Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Metaphor Proposal #3

Proposal #3!!! (redundant...?)

This on is a metaphor for how small the world seems when you're a child. When you're young, all you know is your best friend and the neighborhood from one street light to the next. When I was a child, I wasn't allowed to cross the street and my best friend outside of school was my next door neighbor.
I would take a globe and put two houses and two little dolls on it. Proportionally, the houses would be pretty large and would take up a large portion of the globe's surface, making the whole world seem smaller by comparison.


  1. I think this is a pretty cool idea. I think the things that need attention the most would be how will the globe me mounted? On a traditional stand? from a string? Is it going to be stationary or able to turn? Another aspect is the treatment of the houses. How will you mount them? Will the houses be bought or made?

  2. I like your ideas but i would like to see the sketches in class to get a better understanding of them!
