Monday, January 24, 2011

We won the sphere battle...

But the cardboard war is far from over!

So, as you can tell, we finished the cardboard spheres today. Over all, a positive experience. Got shown up by some people, learned some new techniques, got some tips, but that's all to be expected. Lemme show you some of what went on... 


When we got back from lunch this afternoon, we all knew it was time to start critiques the spheres. Some where more noticeably nervous than others... But we all managed to get through it, no tears, no hurt feelings. Yay! ;)

We started off with the "No Glue" spheres

Art is srs bizniz

Then we moved on to the structure spheres...

Look at all of 'em! Ain't they sumthin'? ;)

Ooh! Got a bit of Valerie there! (An office supply lovin' gal after my own heart :) )

I think that sphere belonged to a boy named Josh,
someone I had just met at lunch not even an hour ago.
It was pretty cool!

This girl wove this one for her no-glue sphere, like a basket.
So, it's a "basket"-ball...! Get it? *Basket* ball...? Haha :)

This one was made without any glue either! Just tabs and slots!


So cool :)
Great job everyone!

 And here's some extra pics of me creeping on my tablemates-- I mean, people working!:

Naomi and Zack


Jeremy and Keenan

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