Friday, May 6, 2011

MFAH Stuff

Multi-tasking! Laundry and homework,
all at once! :O

Torso of Aphrodite

19th century Art - European;
Portrait of Louise-Atoinete-Scholastique Gueheneue,
Madame la Marechale Lannes,
Duchess de Montebello, with
her children
(Francois Pascal Simon Gerard, 1814)

Head of Buddah 3rd/4th century stucco
Kushan period

For the Worshipers
Noh Sang Kyoon, 2007

a. What was the most enjoyable thing you saw? Why?
I really enjoyed some of the Grecian sculptures, early 20th century photography and the 19th century european art, especially the one I chose to sketch. The first because I'm starting to be able to see basic sculptures like those in terms of values instead of lines, which will make life drawing easier. I enjoy the photography because the subject matter was the photographer's family, which I find very interesting. And the 19th century portrait because of how well the artist was able to capture facial features and expressions. For example, I was able to guess personality traits for each of the children based on expressions and could pick out which features they inherited from each parent. It was surprisingly, and delightfully, accurate.

b. What what was the most disturbing thing you saw? Why?

I can't honestly say anything I saw was particularly disturbing, really...

c. What piece in the museum is the most like something you might make yourself, or would like to make? Why?

I'm most likely to do something more traditional, like the 19th and 20th century art because I'm kind of boring like that. :\

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