Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Holy Cheese! So behind on updates...!! (>.<)

I'm so behind on blog updates, it's ridiculous. So, I'm going to do what they call on deviantArt an "art dump", with lots of yummy pictures and paragraphs for you.
Here we go! :

So, first off, we've all been very hard at work building random things out of cardboard. I don't have a lot of pictures for this one because, well, I've been pretty busy building! I'm doing a seashell that I will eventually strap to my back and hide in, like a little clam. :)  I finished it for the most part during class today, but I've still got some cleaning up to do on the surface. Presentation is key!! Special thanks to Miss Valerie Powell for taking a second to go over some of those detaily things with 5 minutes left in class! (^_^)"

This was taken a few days ago. I have a more current picture,
but I'm having connectivity issues with my phone. :P

So, I made these box ridge things and then connected
them with a layer of cardboard underneath. Since this pic was
taken, I've added another set of ridges, a couple layers of board
on the bottom and a belt to attach it to myself. All I
have left is to add a layer of cardboard skin to smooth everything out. 

In the realm of the 2 dimensional class, we've been doing more dot patterns, only, get this, with SQUARES! :O We had to "illustrate" word pairs; playful/ordered, relaxed/anxious, smooth/rough, and light/heavy. 
In addition to that set, we took our three chosen gestalt patterns and mounted them on black construction paper. We displayed those along side our independent photography study Monday in class, then went through and critiqued each other with the help of Miss Kathy Kelly.  We learned that while your own interpretation of the principles are one thing, but you really have to think about what your audience with see. Otherwise, it really doesn't matter what you think, everything is going to be wrong. :P Now we're taking the patterns and making newspaper collages out of them. Once we've finished that we're supposed to take that collage and make it 3D. Ooohh!! Very exciting! ;)

My original 15 gestalt dot patterns


My first exhibition! :D
From the top left: Continuance, Smooth/Rough
Proximity, Playful/Ordered
Similarity, Light/Heavy
Photos study of dots in 'nature',  Relaxed/Anxious

Table 8's little corner of art

Well, I think that's it for now.  If I remember something else or have more pictures I'll do an edit! Now I'm off to check my webcomics! ;)


1 comment:

  1. Holy Cheese you are almost caught up!

    And thanks for teaching me

